Medilab One, according to the English word oneness - to be complete, to be made whole, synonymous with harmony and unity. When we are in balance, when we live in peace, then we are one with ourselves. When we lead a balanced life, it is then made up of all the important parts. One also means to be the first, leading, leader.
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Our values
Balance, our way of life
In our business, we are guided by the statement "Balance, our way of life", since that is exactly what MEDILAB ONE strives for in its daily activities and approach, and what it facilitates through the products it represents.
Modern technology, innovative products, information and support are a combination by which MEDILAB ONE seeks to help find the measure that an individual needs to successfully handle the disease and daily positive changes. The services provided by MEDILAB ONE are focused on a healthy lifestyle, timely information, quick and simple solutions that make life easier and more carefree.
We define living with health challenges as a constant search for balance, both when trying to control health indicators, such as blood sugar levels, and when trying to achieve a right proportion of concern for the disease and carefree living.
We also show this balance through our visual identity i.e., the logo displaying a circle with two segments in seek of balance. This perfectly illustrates the process which MEDILAB ONE simplifies with its services and products.
The fundamental value from which our philosophy originates are primarily people - their knowledge, experience, skills, creativity, innovation, professionalism, and personality. In addition, in complete balance and intertwining with each other, our value system is also setting our image, as well as built on products and their high-quality manufacturers with similar value systems.
Our promise
We focus our work, business, services, and relationships on the well-being of our employees, the wider community, and especially on healthcare and our customers’ quality of life increase. With innovative and advanced technologies, and segmented, useful, and timely information, we raise awareness and strive to provide quick and easy solutions and support our end users and all people involved in their disease in making life easier and more carefree. We ensure constant growth and development through excellence, continuous learning, and readiness for rapid change.
Our vision is to always strive for excellence in all our activities, and thus maintain our reputation based on quality and business reliability. We nurture a creative approach to market performance, and we maintain harmony and good organization in business development. We are a company that brings changes and contributes to the quality of life, both of professional medical staff and patients, as well as the society.
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Company management
Martiana Džepina
MEDILAB ONE Managing Director
Our customers are the source of our inspiration, and of a constant striving for further improvement, and for providing them with the best possible service and top products. Through excellent cooperation and mutual support, our partners motivate us for further learning, development and finding the best business solutions. The heart of MEDILAB ONE are our employees with their daily engagement, dedicated work, and desire for learning and excellence, who thus contribute to our development.
Our focus is always on people - our customers, our partners, and our employees. - MEDILAB ONE Managing DirectorPersonally, I believe that the right extent in all situations is the key to success in every segment of life, so I am extremely pleased that it has become the main principle for all employees at MEDILAB ONE. Deeply aware of the difficulty of the task we have imposed on ourselves, that is what we find the greatest motivation in and what we strive to find in our daily work. MEDILAB ONE arose from the desire to create a strong synergy between business and compassionate approach, and every day, through all our activities, we act as one to help our customers in finding the right measure, to find what is best for them.
Marko Džepina
It is extremely important to us at MEDILAB ONE that business excellence dominates through all our activities and processes, on every step.
That is why we are proud of our colleagues who are sharing their knowledge to contribute to development and process and activities optimization, with the aim of meeting all the set business and regulatory criteria. We also recognize our external partners, top companies, and consultants, with whose help and support we fully meet all challenges.
It is extremely important that business excellence dominates through all our activities and processes, on every step. - Marko Džepina MANAGING DIRECTORNowadays, the market is extremely demanding, and our competition further encourages us to be innovative and different. Having the largest base of satisfied customers is another fact that convinces us we are on the right track. Our company continues its commitment to bringing innovative and practical solutions that will make living for people with chronic diseases easier. Other than our existing offer which provides additional opportunities for maintaining health, our intention is to launch new, quality, and interesting products, soon.
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MEDILAB ONE was founded in 2019, but its history and origins can be traced back to 1991, when its parent company MEDiLAB was established.
We have been the distributor of renowned companies B. Braun and BAYER Diagnostics (today Ascensia Diabetes Care and Siemens Healthineers) from the very beginning. MEDiLAB was built through hard work and tireless efforts, with just four employees being responsible for the import, promotion, sales and distribution of BAYER and B. BRAUN products.
Over the years, in collaboration with B. BRAUN, we founded the company B. BRAUN ADRIA and the B. BRAUN Avitum Polyclinic for Internal Medicine and Dialysis, one of the first private dialysis centers in the Republic of Croatia.
Growth and progress came quickly, but that was to be expected. The 1991 workers were known for their initiative, ingenuity, dedication, and reliability, just like all those who have joined MEDiLAB since then. Those are still the core principles we continue to look for, nurture, and develop in all of our employees. Those principles, we believe, are the foundation of a good working relationship and a requirement for success.
In today's dynamic environment we face new challenges every day. Years of successful business in the medical products market, knowledge and experience of employees, continuous education and the need for acquiring new knowledge presented MEDiLAB with a new challenge, so, in 2019, it decided to split off a section of the business and establish MEDILAB ONE. With innovative products from top global suppliers, regular and extensive support, and a focus on chronic illnesses, healthcare practitioners, partners, patients, and end users, MEDILAB ONE continues its initial mission of helping customers achieve a well-balanced life.
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Introducing a quality management system in March 2020 confirms how important we find business excellence and continuous investment in quality improvement. We are proud owners of the ISO 9001:2015 certificate which guarantees the quality of our products and services in accordance with user requirements and legal regulations.

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